






Keys to anyone


This workshop is for you if:​

•  You conduct negotiations with clients and you want to sell more at higher prices

•  You work with suppliers and want negotiate better price and conditions

•  You need new tools for persuasion and conditions sellin

•  You would like to increase your sales & income and you want to upgrade your selling and negotiations skills

•  You would like to handle conflicts and problems with clients or partners to your benefit and you need better techniques for that

•  You would like to increase your conversion rate and average sale amount

Before participation in the workshop you can email trainer and consultant your questions and description of situations you would like to be solved with the assistance of the training or trainer to bz@solutions2b.com (make sure to specify your industry and describe your business).

Within 2-3 weeks after the workshop you will be able to get additional answers to your questions via Skype.

All the training participants would also be provided with the “Implementation Program” – the plan of specific exercises to train and implement all the tools achieved at the training.

Participants will obtain:​

  • New scripts/phrases
  • Tools to manage the client
  • Left-brain and Right-brain arguments
  • New tools to overcome and anticipate objections;
  • Techniques to handle conflicts and problems with clients & partners to your benefit considering peculiarities of client’s behavior and simple behavior signals;
  • Each participant will obtain a simple action plan of how to increase personal sales conversion rate & average amount of sale, for the next 3-5 weeks;
  • Tools to overcome “crisis” objections, concerns, fears, excuses;

Training Program covers:​

  • Differentiated Sales Approach and System. Client's type classification. Signals to define the type during the phone call and meeting. Action plan to tune the sales tools (including argumentation, persuasion and objections handling) to the type of your client, considering his/her differences and motivation. Common mistakes that can we avoided using the Differentiated approach
  • Tools to deliver any information to the client as a strong argument. Peculiarities of information and arguments perception by clients. Tools to analyze client’s values and motivation (what exactly client needs and will be ready to pay for). Understanding of client expectations, value signals and points of interest. “Balm words” and “forbidden words” (matrix words) for each type
  • Behavior patterns of each client’s type. Predicting the client behavior and responses during the meeting or phone call. Mistakes and causes of client attrition (check your negotiation and sales practice). Causes of problem situations and conflicts with clients; tools to overcome and prevent them. Difficult and problematic clients
  • Arguments differentiation: techniques and practice. Causes of client objections and anticipation of objections. Differentiation of responses to objections in theory and life
  • Testing of tools obtained and making analysis of situations. Answers to questions from the participants

The workshop is held in intensive training format with lots of practice.

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